Monday, January 31, 2005

Would it be neat if...

I hope to turn this into a series of article's so let's see how this goes. Feed back is welcome.

Have you ever started watching a show and have it all of the sudden pulled off TV. Well I know the Trio network sometimes plays canceled shows, but alas Adelphia does not carry that channel. So would it be neat if their was a channel were rarely seen shows can be watched?

I would love to see the rest of Freaks and Geeks (good thing it's on DVD) and I would love to see pilot's that never made it to air. I mean someone spent money to make them give them a chance to be seen at least once by the public. I have a idea for a reality show that has pilot's fighting to become a series. I know, I know some people are sick of reality shows, but some of them are good ( The Amazing Race).

Anyone else like this idea?


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