Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Remember that Show: 2-28-06

Happy Mardi Gras every as we reach the end of another month waiting for this snow and cold weather to go away. I can’t wait to go to baseball games, is it spring yet?

I just looked outside and saw more snow so I guess not, but it is Tuesday and that means another edition of “Remember that Show.”

While thinking about what show I was going to do I went through the list of TV stations that I use to watch and then I remember hey wait what was on PBS. Then it dawned on me what show to do.

Welcome to Tuesday February 28, 2006 and “Remember that Show: Square One.”

“Square One,” what’s that you might say. Come one you remember the show that was dedicated to teaching math in a fun way.

This show ran on PBS from 1987-1992 and then was revived again for one season in 1995-1996. Also in 1999 old shows ran on the Noggin Network until 2003.

The show was comprised of sketches that taught a lesson in counting, geometry, fractions, estimation, and probability.

Some of the sketches were a MTV Style music video that focused on some math subject, Math Man a Pac-Man parody helped viewers learn to recognize common mistakes while solving math problems, such as forgetting to carry a digit, or making errors with negative numbers, late afternoon with David Numberman and David Letterman parody, Math Court (People’s Court), General Mathpital, Dirk Niblick Math Bragade and animated short, But Who’s Counting Game Show, and Piece of the Pie a family fued parody.

Wow! That was exhausting.

But the best part about Square one was how it ended with an episode of Math Net, yes a Dranet Parody, that solved crimes with math. I remember something about a diamond with the wieght of 20 nickles and one about a maltise pigeon. Each story was five episodes. You know George Frankly and Kate Monday later recplaced by Pat Tuesday. It was the best part of “Square One.”


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